Helping Harvest
A hand up, not a hand out
Helping Harvest functions like any grocery store, but we only serve those who are struggling to make ends meet. Helping Harvest provides assistance for:
People on a fixed income, such as senior citizens or the disabled;
Those who have experienced unexpected illness, injury or catastrophic events;
Working people who simply are not earning enough income to cover expenses.
Families who use our program grab a shopping cart and can generally load it with as much food as they need. They may also visit multiple times a week. Learn more about how we operate here.
When finished with their shopping, members check out and save roughly 10% to 50% off even discount grocery prices. Member donations help us buy food for the store and cover other expenses to keep our doors open. We accept cash, credit and debit cards and SNAP EBT for payment.
We hope individuals and families who use Helping Harvest become financially stable and no longer rely on our assistance. However, we're committed to providing support for as long as needed.
Eligibility and Membership
Stop by the store during business hours to see if you and your family are eligible to become members of Helping Harvest. We'll ask you some simple questions and you will be asked to complete an easy application. The program is free to join.
Receiving other forms of government assistance, such as Medicaid, unemployment benefits or SNAP, does not disqualify a person's eligibility for acceptance into Helping Harvest.
"I look forward to coming to your store. All of you are great, helping me read labels, prices, etc. I also love the way you decorate to make shopping delightful and have a lot of laughs." - Pat
The fresh produce available at Helping Harvest is funded, in part, by The Seymour Fox Memorial Foundation.
Store Hours:
Mon 10-2
Tues 10-2
Wed 2-6
Thurs 10-2
Fri 2-6
Sat 10-2
Credit, Debit and SNAP EBT accepted
"We struggled every week before Helping Harvest was introduced to me. They have so many items at such a great price. From juice, water, meat, fresh veggies, cereal, bread and toilet paper. It all helps so much." - Clarissa

Helping Harvest often stocks many well known name-brand products that are trusted and valued by consumers.